Remove Drupal stylesheets with hook_css_alter
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When you start developing themes, you'll find out that there will be a lot of stylesheets loaded in by default. To remove those stylesheets from your own theme's template.php, you have to overwrite hook_css_alter and remove the stylesheets from the array.
To make things a bit clearer, take a look at the following snippet:
<?php/*** Remove Drupal's core system stylesheets.*/function THEMENAME_css_alter(&$css){$path_system = drupal_get_path('module', 'system');$remove = array($path_system . '/system.base.css',$path_system . '/system.menus.css',$path_system . '/system.messages.css',$path_system . '/system.theme.css',);// Remove stylesheets which match our remove array.foreach ($css as $stylesheet => $options) {if (in_array($stylesheet, $remove)) {unset($css[$stylesheet]);}}}
As you can see, it removes all system module stylesheets from the stylesheets that will be rendered. This can be of course any stylesheet of any module you want.